Thursday, March 8, 2012

weight loss

I started an incredible journey a few years back. As I try to figure out when honestly years get blurred. I know if I really wanted to I could figure out when exactly it started, but I don’t really care. What I do care about is the pause button that I have hit, and haven’t pushed play again. I assume that since you are reading this you know I have lost approximately 200 lbs. That’s Awesome right?!? Yea it kinda is, and yea it’s kind of a big deal. But there is a problem. I started at over 450. See the problem? If you don’t I’ll spell it out. I STILL WIEGH OVER 250lbs! There. That’s a problem. Yea in the last few months I completed a marathon, and have picked up a new exercise habit, but I am not losing weight any more. Yes I know why! I eat like a 250lb marathon runner! I happen to be 250 lb marathon runner, but I don’t want to be a 250 lb marathon runner! I want to be a 200 lb ironman! Yup, I think to realistically achieve my goal of completing an ironman competition I need to be closer, if not less than 200 lbs. So why haven’t I finished this goal that I started a few years ago to get down close to, if not under 200 lbs? I know there are lots of reasons that I had to pause this trip, my life got turned upside down, and inside out, and for 6 months I didn’t have a house, or a kitchen even, but that’s all changed. I’ve spent the last 14months in my house; my new born baby is over a year old, what’s holding me back? ME!!! I’ve got good exercise habits, I am dedicated in achieving my goals, and obviously I have discipline so what gives?!? It’s time for me to hit play again. I need to get back on this journey and see it to the end. I am so blessed that for the first time in our marriage my wife is serious about her own health, and now we can lose weight together (maybe a friendly competition????) The first thing I have got to do is get the scale back in my bathroom. Back when I did what I did, I weighed myself every single morning. I got up, went potty (I’m a father, that’s daddy language), and hit the scale. In our new house there are two bathrooms, and the one in the master is smaller and the scale got moved to another part of the house. I don’t see it every day, and by the time I do, I’m dressed, and usually had my water. So I just moved it back. Is it going to be an inconvenience? Yea but so is this extra weight I’m carrying around. I know some people say throw out the scale when you’re trying to lose weight, but look most of them have never lost a significant amount of weight and I have, so there :-p. The next step is my little carry along food journals are going back in my pocket. Yea I know that I can log with apps on my phone, but honestly those are very awkward, and if you’re just grabbing a quick snack it can take longer to figure out how to input it, then you really have time for. Pencil and paper is the way I fly. I can look up the calories that I don’t know later. It’s not a tool to tell you how much you can eat, it’s a tool to help you think about what you’re eating, and hold yourself accountable. Yup, I’m ready, time to get into some smaller clothes again, and shave some personal records (it’s a running thing you either get it, or you’re not a runner). 

1 comment:

  1. I think the friendly competition is an excellent idea!
    I need something like that myself. Not for weight loss but for excerise goals. Like adding distance or quickening my time in runs.
