Monday, December 26, 2011

the best present a runner has ever received

Had a wonderful Christmas, I got some pretty cool gifts this year including some under counter lights for my kitchen, and a All-Clad fry pan. You would think nothing could top a new All-Clad fry pan, except maybe a new pair of running shoes, but I got something so much better this year. My wife kept telling me she had this gift for me that was gonna WOW! Me. I don’t wow very easily, but she just knew she was going to do it, and all she had to do was sit down at the computer for a little bit and write something. ??? What was she planning? Well I didn't peek, and let me tell you she WOWED me. I want to share with everybody the best Christmas present that’s ever been under my tree. This is the exact letter she gave me, but without the cool border she had around it;

Running Commitment

I Corinthians 7:4, “The wife doesn’t have authority over her own body, but the husband does.  Likewise the husband doesn’t have authority over his own body, but the wife does.”CEB

This Bible verse has been on my heart for some time and, recently, I have thought intently on its meaning.  I am taking it to a new personal level and have made this Running Commitment as my Christmas gift to you.
 I promise to devote an entire year to running, (or at least attempting to run, until I CAN), beginning today, December 25, 2011.  With your guidance, schedule planning, and training, I promise to follow without complaint (well, maybe a little) and to set personal, reasonable goals that I can achieve.  I promise to try until I can, and also to devote some time to run TOGETHER with you.  I promise to sign up for walk/runs and try to enjoy myself.  I promise to run for fun! I promise to run for serious! I promise to just run for whatever!
I am ready to change for the better.  I am ready to transform my body.  I am ready to metamorphosize my life! (Yes, I made up that word………..)
Wow! 2012 is going to be a challenge!
I love you!  Merry Christmas!

Your loving and committed wife,

How awesome is that? I am so excited. I have wanted so much for my wife to share this thing that has come into my life and changed me so much, and now she is ready to join me. I love it, and I love you. I know you think it's crazy, but we will cross the line of the SARNR 1/2 marathon this coming year hand in hand. I don't care how long it takes we will do it every step together. I love you. Thank you for the best present ever. 


  1. Tears running down my face...Big time WOW!

  2. OMGosh... I am crying like a big old baby here. I saw her post a RunKeeper but didnt realize she had done this.
    I am so proud and can NOT wait to see this unfold. It is gonna be AMAZING!

  3. This is so awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  4. goose bumps!! thanks for the warm fuzzy! :)
