I'm in the air again!!! This year appears to be another busy year full of growth. I'm currently flying back to PHX from Vegas where I spent the day in a customers office. We spent the entire day training staff on the ins and outs of LimoLogs. They all raved at the features that are built into the system, and the simplicity of the user interface. Another grand slam for LimoLogs. Next trip is scheduled for mid February and will be a road show of the SouthEast hitting 4 states in 5 days. Should be an incredible trip yielding amazing returns. I have 4 customers to spend time with and get set up. Then March is Vegas again for the LCT show. Where I am expecting to have the best show we have had yet. God is truly blessing this venture.
Home is good. My girls are loving the rhythm of our new life and really getting into the ebb and flow. Amy is becoming very active in prayer ministries and interested in seeing where that goes.
Church is good. God is using this to expand my personal view of things and I know that's a good thing. I would enjoy a more conservative church, but this is not the season for that. God has placed me in a position that really aligns with what he is doing in my life as a business owner. I am not only on staff at the church, but becoming leadership for ACCO an organization that was formed 10 years ago with the purpose of connecting Christian churches and non-profits together for reaching our little community. It is a lot of fun to have a job that I am meant to network and connect resources.